
DMANET [DMANET] Second announcement: 5th International Combinatorics Conference (5ICC) Mahasiswa.me

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#### Second announcement ####
5th International Combinatorics Conference (5ICC)
Dates: Dec 4-9 2017
Venue: Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Web: http://www.monash.edu/5icc/
: 5icc@monash.edu

***Registration is now open*** for 5ICC, which is the fifth in a series
of major combinatorics conferences that are run once per decade by the
Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia. Researchers in any
area of discrete mathematics and its applications are warmly
invited. Students are also encouraged to attend, and there will be a
prize for the best student talk.

Plenary Speakers:

Bill Chen, Nankai University
Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton University
Charlie Colbourn, Arizona State University
Marston Conder, University of Auckland
David Eppstein, University of California, Irvine
Joanna Fawcett, Cambridge University
Jacob Fox, Stanford University
Daniela Kühn, Birmingham University
Barbara Maenhaut, University of Queensland
Brendan McKay, Australian National University
Alexander Scott, Oxford University
Paul Seymour, Princeton University
Balázs Szegedy, Rényi Institute
Le Anh Vinh, Vietnam National University

There will be a welcome function in the evening on Sunday 3 December.
Talks will start on Monday 4 Dec and finish lunchtime on Saturday 9 Dec.
The conference excursion will be in the afternoon of Wednesday 6 Dec.
The conference banquet will be in the evening on Friday 8 Dec.
Note that December is the first month of summer in Australia.

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